
The SAPC was established on 22 October 2018.

The South Australian Productivity Commission came into operation on 22 October 2018.  The Commission will be led by its inaugural Chair, Dr Matthew Butlin.  Dr Butlin will be supported by the Office of the South Australian Productivity Commission.

The Commission will undertake inquiries on any matter referred by the Premier.  The inquiry process will be rigorous and involve consultation with industry, business and the wider community.  An inquiry will generally see the publication of issues papers and draft reports which are intended to identify the key issues within the scope of the inquiry, and set out interim findings and recommendations respectively.  The Commission’s final report will outline the Commission’s key findings and make recommendations in line with the Commission’s Objects.

The Objects of the Commission include to assist the government to improve the rate of economic growth and productivity of the South Australian economy; improve the accessibility, efficiency and quality of services delivered or funded by government; and improve South Australia’s competitiveness for private sector investment.  The Commission will also seek to reduce the costs of regulation and promote structural economic changes having regard to employment growth, regional development and environmental sustainability.

The Commission’s Objects and Functions, and how inquiries are referred and undertaken is set out in Premier and Cabinet Circular 046 – the South Australian Productivity Commission.