
SAPC has completed the inquiry into Health and Medical Research in South Australia, and provided a final report to the Premier on 13 November 2020.

The Commission investigated health and medical research in the state and identified a number of factors that appear to be influencing its ability to attract funding for research, the level of research activity and the translation of research into improved health and economic outcomes.

The Commission also considered the potential for policy, regulatory, research governance and other reforms to improve the state’s competitiveness and performance in HMR.

Recent challenges brought about by the COVID-19 virus are a reminder of the importance of HMR, and the necessity for a flexible and responsive HMR sector able to provide evidence based public health policy and preventative research. The Commission deeply appreciates the efforts of the many participants in the inquiry process, many of whom have played a major part in the State’s response to the crisis.

The Commission acknowledges with thanks the assistance from Local Health Networks, state government departments, universities, research institutions, industry, relevant peak bodies and other stakeholders.

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